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With only 9 years old Karlien began practicing Yoga as an extracurricular activity, since then practice has accompanied her intermittently throughout her life. Somehow, he thinks it was always her “lifeguard”, a tool to hold back during uncertain and difficult personal moments.

Karlien is 21 and from Belgium, this age in important in her country, the initiation into adult life. Her mother offered her a very special gift to match the event ; She could ask for anything and Karlien asked for a trip to India. That first trip to India captivated them both and their mother has not missed a single year since then, now 14 years ago. Karlien’s mother has been involved in India in all kinds of solidarity projects and she has been her inspiration, the person who opened her eyes to other realities and somehow transmitted her motto “No one can change the world, but everyone in the world can do something”.


En Noviembre 2010 Karlien se va a la isla de Lesbos a llevar el yoga a las personas refugiadas que malviven en la isla.

Karlien YSF Volunteer